
Upcoming Meetings

March 26-27, 2025 is the big WV EXPO at the Convention Center in Charleston, WV. WV ASHRAE Chapter is a co-sponsor. Day starts with a Chapter Board hybrid meeting at 7:30 am ET. (All members can attend this meeting.) Our distinguished visitor at this meeting is Kevin Muldoon, ASHRAE Region VII Vice Chair. He will be sharing insights and messages from the ASHRAE Society.

EXPO meeting location is the Charleston Convention Center, Room 204. The Chapter plans on having a booth on the show floor with ASHRAE Information for potential and existing members.

The April 16 Meeting Is a Tech Hour on The Fraternal Twins of Decarbonization and Climate Resilience:  by Erin McConahey. Attending earns 1 PDH credit. At this meeting Past President David Cotton, P.E. will recognize our Local ASHRAE Research Donors. This will be a hybrid meeting.11:30 to 1 PM.

May 5, 2025 Day of Learning (DOL) is an all day event at the Flatwoods Hotel/Convention Center in Flatwoods, WV. This Premier Chapter has multiple presentations and a product show with exhibitors. The featured speaker is David N. Schurk, DES, CEM, LEED-AP, CDSM, CWEP, CIAQM, SFP. Mr Schurk is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and an ASHRAE Learning Institute Instructor for the Humidity Control Course I & II. A product show at this event will feature key suppliers serving West Virginia. We plan on also install our 2025-26 Chapter Officers and Board of Governors.

ASHRAE Region VII CRC. July 24-26 is in Birmingham Ala. For info www.ashraeregion7.org/2025-crc

WV ASHRAE 2024-2025 Chapter Leaders

Mr. Terry Hollandsworth
Retired – Former Facility Director for Kanawha County Schools
[email protected]
Mr. Billy Smith
ZDS Design/Consulting Services
[email protected]
Vice President
Ms. Savannah Dotson
McDonough Bolyard Peck, Inc.
[email protected]
Mr. Arthur D. Hallstrom, P.E.
AD Hall and Associates
[email protected]
Ms. Savannah Dotson
McDonough Bolyard Peck, Inc.
[email protected]
  • Provide technical. leadership and education support to the WV Building Owners and Design + Construction + Support Community. Local focus areas: green buildings, energy efficient buildings, Indoor air quality, water management, energy codes, refrigeration, HVAC, energy recovery, zero energy use – primarily in nonresidential buildings. ASHRAE supports the Indoor Built Environment with Standards, Research and Training.

  • WV is one the ASHRAE Premier Chapters Worldwide. We invite you to attend our meetings and events, further your education and career and get networking support. Our Young Engineers Activities (YEA) are for ASHRAE members under 35. WV ASHRAE sponsors the ASHRAE Student Branches at WVU. Our student branches get free ASHRAE student memberships from our chapter. Contact Bully Smith for more information,.